Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Amidst the Shit

We all go through shit in our life. We do; it's the truth. 

I have no idea what shit you are struggling with right now. You have no idea what shit your co-worker is struggling with, your neighbor, your friend, even sometimes someone in your own family. So, who are you to judge? 

Amidst the shit that comes into our lives, we all react differently. Some react with strength and take it head on. Others react with fear, or feel powerless. Some react with anger or hatred. No matter how you react, no matter what shit you struggle with, there is one key thing to remember...

This week has been one of those weeks for me. I cannot say it has been terrible, but it has also not been amazing. I have been struggling with shit this week. Shit that deals with my PTSD. I have been triggered in classes at school, felt powerless in certain situations, and reacted with anger. But, I am not letting the cause of my PTSD define me. It was one thing that happened in my life; a shitty situation that happened over time. I still have my whole life to live...and I am going to fucking live it!

So, needless to say... we all struggle. Not everyday is going to be a good day, but there is always at least one thing that is good in everyday. Learn to find the joy amidst the shit; comfort amidst the shit; peace amidst the shit.

Just because you have scars (whether they are physical or not) does not mean they define you. You choose what you want to define YOU. Be unique. Be yourself. Just simply be you.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Where is peace?

"What is one word you would use to describe how you feel right now?"
"Peace." Carrie responded.
"I completely agree with you."

This was part of our conversation last night while we sat around the warmth of the campfire. With the bright flames reflecting off of our eyes and into the darkness of the sky we both talked in peace.

Scars are a peace of us all. Maybe you do not have any physically scars, but I know everyone has emotional scars. Everyone has baggage, a burden, something they are scared to tell others, something they struggle with, or something they are worried about. What is your scar or scars?

The point of peace is to find that time, that place, that moment, when all your scars seem to dissipate. You do not have to worry about them or anything for that matter. All you have to worry about is being in the moment. Enjoy life and the people you are with. Relax. Breath.

I found my peace last night sitting around the campfire at Knoebels with Carrie. I let all of my scars go - my worries about school, about where I belong, about my future. That was my peace.

Where do you find peace? What does peace mean to you?

Thursday, September 22, 2016

My First Blog

Wow... my first real blog post.

Darkness covers the sky and I hear the creatures humming. The cool fall breeze is finally settling in and I had to throw on my sweatshirt. I am stumbling with the right words to say to begin this post, but I know they will come to me.

Scars are a peace of us all. Do not correct my grammar; I know I used the wrong form of "peace". Yes, that is for a purpose. Scars can be a sign of peace.

"Preach from your scars, not your open wounds" (Nadia Bolz-Weber).
Nadia is a pastor in the ELCA, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She has written two books and I have attended two of her book talks in Philly. But why this quote out of everything she says? Because this is most prevalent in my life. From the moment those words came out of her mouth, they stuck. I have many scars and many wounds, but the scars are the ones I will talk about. When the wounds are healed I will tell you about the rest.

Over this past summer I began to write an autobiography, and I want to share part of the preface with you:
"This is my story. 
I am just human. I live my life day by day. I have been hurt; I am broken; I am not perfect. I AM beautiful. I am extraordinary. I am fabulous. I am a child of God. 
I’ve lost friends; I’ve gained friends. I’ve lost family; I’ve gained family. I’ve died; I’ve lived. This is my life; my story."
I have many scars- from bug bites to stretch marks and even cut marks- but I have begun to find peace in my scars. I have begun to find healing; not just physically, but emotionally. There is hope. You have life, we all do. So, I hope for this blog to be an uplifter for your day. To remind you that you are NEVER alone, no matter the circumstances. To give you joy, peace, healing, and comfort.

I will share bits and pieces of my story, but I encourage you to share yours as well.
I will end with one of my favorite quotes:
"We live with the scars we choose."
Peace be with you.